Monday, August 18, 2008

Lazy Monday!!!

Ohhh, it is such a lazy day! I have been down all weekend with what I'm guessing is a migraine. I've never had them before but I have been so sick and my head just kills and it makes me feel sick! Fun huh! I am feeling a little better today but I definitely am not feeling myself!!! I have been really busy with the new blog which I am having so much fun working on Ellie's team!!! My parents came into town, school started again and the baby had his 1st birthday last weekend. I think I just had too much going on at once.

So, as I mentioned before, my little Hayden started school. He's kind of having a hard time getting used to those long hours again. Hunter is doing good in 8th grade but he's never had a hard time with school, except for thinking he knows more than the teachers and then they don't like that very much! LOL!

Landon turned one on the 10th and I just can't figure out where the year has gone! He is such an awesome baby! He cracks me up daily! He is the happiest little boy! He truly is my little angel!
My sister-in-law and I went to Kiddie Kandids last Thursday and got Landon's 1 year pictures and Teaghan's 1 month pictures taken! They all turned out perfect!

Aren't all those just precious! I'm just so relieved that my baby is 1 year and sleeping through the night! I don't envy the newborn stage at all! She is precious though! I am really enjoying holding her, loving on her and then giving her back to mom and dad! It's usually the other way around!

Not much else is going on! My parents went back to Utah and will be back in October. Hensley will start preschool the day after labor day, she is asking to go to school everyday and can't understand why she can't go!

As for my scrapbooking, I have been busy getting Quick Pages done for the blog, of course I changed my blog again after working with the 'She Dreams' kit. It is one of my favorites. Here are a few things that I worked on this last week...

I've already used this picture but it just worked perfect with the page. This is my 1st QP for the blog.

This is my 2nd QP. My mom brought this dress from Utah for Hensley! It is the prettiest little Sunday Dress.

This layout was for the Speed Scrap last Monday at ScrapMatters. I love this picture of Landon. I actually just caught it at the right time. He was smiling up at my mom when we were at Lagoon in Utah back in June. The kit I used is 'Country Stars' from Ellie Lash.

I've made some freebies this week also. They are for the team blog and available there.

This a template made by yours truly. It is for Challenge Me Thursday... it is a journaling challenge to tell a story of your pictures.

This is the WordArt that goes with the QP download of the day.

And this is for the Weekend Project. It is a template for a Bingo Card. You can customize your cards however you want. I used the 'So Sweet' mini kit that was part of Ellie's Grab Bag.

Also, don't forget that there is still the Download of the day. You can find all of these fabulous treats at our Ellie's Angels' CT Blog.

I also have received a fun little reward from sweet JillianRoze but I will have to come back in the next couple of days to pass this on! My children are losing patience with this long blog post!

On a very,very sad note, NieNie from nieniedialogues and her mr. nielson were in an private airplane crash here is Arizona. I'm really not sure what is going to happen. The pilot died yesterday. I am very sad!

I will see you soon!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pardon My Mess!!!

Yes, I am remodeling again! I don't know why for sure! Just wanted something different...again! Will be back soon with a way cute blog and a new post! Meanwhile, don't forget about the Daily Download over at our Angels' Blog.

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's A Blog Train!!!

You are on the blog train!!! Welcome to my little corner of the world! You are in Sunny and very Hot Arizona!!!

Pick up your freebie here and keep going west until you reach the beautiful coast! Heather has quite the treat for you!!!

Download Here

Heather is your next stop...

Need to backtrack? Here are the first 18 stops...



















Have a great trip!!!

Our new CT Blog is up and running!!!

I am excited to tell you that after working very hard to get everything up and running, our official CT Blog is ready to go! You can check it out here. Tracy put the 1st post up early, early this morning and then I will be back later today to feature Ellie's new products and host a new challenge for our debut!!! We are waiting until this afternoon for ScrapMatters to open their brand new beautiful site! Looks more like 4pm PST before it will be ready! So check back in a little while because there will be a blog train and I will have a freebie on my blog!!! But for now go check out our new CT blog! There will be a download a day for our first month!!!

In a more personal note. Hayden and Hunter started school on Wednesday! It came really fast this year! Although I am not complaining! On the 1st day Hayden ended up on the wrong bus and back at the school! Yes, similar thing happened last year too! I haven't even put the pictures on my computer yet so I will have to post those later. Landon's birthday is in 2 days! I can't believe he will be 1. This year has flown by!!!

All right! That's it for this morning! Check back later for the blog train!!! It will start in ScrapMatters forum!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008


We will be starting the new team blog next Friday 8/8/08 to coordinate with the re-grandopening of ScrapMatters! Fun things to come! Keep checking back!

Scroll down to the next post for the FREEBIE!!!