I have been sooo bad at blogging! I actually have my new wordpress blog thanks to Miss Ellie but I haven't finished making it way cute yet and you know me! Hopefully the next few days I will be making the switch! I wanted to let you all know about a fun chat going on tomorrow at Sunshine Studio Scraps. Ellie and Vasco(Moon Scraps) have a fabulous collaboration kit coming out tomorrow! I've gotten to play with it already!!!
Don't forget to check out the team blog tomorrow to see what Ellie is releasing tomorrow!
Glad you like the doodles Sassy, should have some new ones on the go by Friday.
And I'm so glad to see and hear that mine isn't the only house where the kids stay up late and then sleep all day during the hols, real life huh! :O)
Have a great day sweetie x
Hey Melanie,
Its Misti. I was so happy to run across your blog. I can't believe your baby is 1! He is SO CUTE. I miss getting to see you with preschool. Hope you are doing well. We have a blog to if you want to see it it is ryanmistiandkids.blogspot.com
Hey there!! You just received the "I Love Your Blog" award over at my blog. Please go to: http://modmamasfabfaves.blogspot.com/2008/09/ooh-ooh-i-received-award.html and check it out. :) Now it's your turn to award it to 7others. :)
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