Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Getting Back to Normal

I think life is finally starting to get back to normal. I am starting to feel human again and Landon is such a good baby that I know I am so lucky. He sleeps good at night. I usually only have to get up once in the middle of the night depending on when I put him to bed. He is so amazing! I can't even imagine life without him now. He wasn't exactly planned, but I am so glad he is here. Hayden has been in school for a couple weeks now and seems to be adjusting well. Hunter is in 7th grade now and likes it alot. He had a skateboarding accident a couple of days ago and broke his wrist. I am getting kind of tired of doctor's appts. Hensley will start preschool next week. She has really enjoyed having my mom here. I don't know how she will be when she is gone. She is a good sister though. I so far only have one page done of Landon. I have been spending most of my computer time downloading new baby kits, I guess it is time to start putting some pages together.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

1st Day of School

So school started today. My stepson started Jr. High and my 6 year old Hayden started 1st grade. I've already been nervous about him going all day, you know the usual. So I take him this morning. Just a waddlin', and he was completely fine but I just felt so sad leaving him there. I know it's the hormones but I just wanted to cry but I didn't because I knew that would be worse for him. I watched the clock all day and was excited to go to the bus stop and get him. The bus shows up, kids get off, No Hayden. I call the school, he's still there, somehow he ended up in the parent pick up line, which I guess that is better than getting on the wrong bus, I just felt so bad for him. He seems fine to go back tomorrow. Anyway, I didn't think it would be this hard for me. Kindergarten wasn't even this hard, but he was only half day. Oh well, I guess I can't keep him home forever. I just have 2 more days until my C-section, I'm excited but scared. I haven't posted a page for a while. I worked on this one today while I was waiting for school to let out!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dr. Appt.

Well, I went to the doctor today and he checked me and I still haven't dilated at all. I'm pretty sure this is why I had the 1st emergency C-Section to start with, I don't think I do dilate. I never got past a 2 with Hayden. So it looks like I will be having this baby next Friday, which is fine. I still have to get Hayden to school on Wednesday. I would feel bad if I couldn't take him to meet the teacher or to his 1st day of 1st grade next week. I can't believe he is going into 1st grade, that makes me so sad. Hensley will start preschool in September! I am excited to get this baby here and move forward with life. I feel like I have been in limbo for months now!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

So stir crazy!!!

I am so stir crazy today! I'm even sick of the computer! I need to have this baby and fast! Anyway, only 9 more days left and then I'll probably be wishing for some down time. I have Hunter and Hayden ready to start school next week except the socks that I ordered them are too big, you'd think that I could order socks but I guess not! I'll have to take them to the store and exchange them. Maybe walking the mall will put me in labor, one could only hope! Here's my newest page.

I got the template from Simply Sarah blog!!! I am so addicted to templates right now!