Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Getting Back to Normal

I think life is finally starting to get back to normal. I am starting to feel human again and Landon is such a good baby that I know I am so lucky. He sleeps good at night. I usually only have to get up once in the middle of the night depending on when I put him to bed. He is so amazing! I can't even imagine life without him now. He wasn't exactly planned, but I am so glad he is here. Hayden has been in school for a couple weeks now and seems to be adjusting well. Hunter is in 7th grade now and likes it alot. He had a skateboarding accident a couple of days ago and broke his wrist. I am getting kind of tired of doctor's appts. Hensley will start preschool next week. She has really enjoyed having my mom here. I don't know how she will be when she is gone. She is a good sister though. I so far only have one page done of Landon. I have been spending most of my computer time downloading new baby kits, I guess it is time to start putting some pages together.